Lillehammer Stabling Facility

Photo of Lillehammer Stabling Facility

Lillehammer Stabling Facility Photo: Jernbanedirektoratet

On this page:

Facility Location

Section: Oslo S–Trondheim S, Dovrebanen.
Distance from Oslo: 184,18 km.

Contact Information

Track Table

Track Platform Comments
No. Type Length (m) Passing loop length (m) Extended option (m) Length (m) Height (m) Width (m)  
1 Hovedtogspor 1391 683   340 570 8,70


Kjedebrudd + 40 m ved km 184,3

2 Togspor 814 630   265 570 7,50


Dekker spor 2 og 3

3 Togspor 411 283         Spor 3 er avvikspor fra spor 2, og må kjøre del av spor 2 nordover for å komme til hovedspor.
4 Øvrige spor              
5 Øvrige spor              
6 Øvrige spor              
7 Øvrige spor              
8 Øvrige spor              

Stabling Capacity

PGet in touch with the contact person for Lillehammer Stabling Facility.

Train Heating Installations

Installation Location and Capacity
Installation no. Capacity (kVA) Stand no.  Local indentity no.  Serving track no.  Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) Maximal continuous current (A)
EL-TVA-000013 400            
EL-TVA-000064 800            

Track Plan

Track plan Lillehammer Stabling Facility

Track plan for Lillehammer Stabling Facility. Bane NOR

Download the track plan